Empire Disaster Relief
Empire Disaster Relief, also known as the E.D.R, is a not-for-profit organisation based in the Foxen Empire that provides relief for those facing the after-effects of things such as natural disasters, social displacement, domestic violence, kidnapping, and criminal abuse. They were founded in 453 AE, before the International Alliance, and have been operating with the blessing of the foxen emperor since 1,538 AE.
They are the organisation responsible for the 10-year abandonment law on houses and are generally the ones to keep track of which buildings are considered abandoned and ready for redistribution to those in need. They also provide food and essentials to those moving into new houses, especially those who have been facing homelessness or poverty, and will help people find employment.
They were especially common along the Heck’ne border before the country became a part of the International Alliance, with a focus on helping those seeking to immigrate from the wasteland into alliance-run countries. They provided identifying documents and citizenships to those who would not have otherwise been able to obtain them. Now they work closely with the Kunya’mup Kiitas to prevent abuse and help migration going both ways.
They also work closely with the felinic organisation H.E.L.P, and assist in funding the education of many international students in the Gallamor.