

The Emaltoni religion follows the teachings of the gods of sentience; it is believed each deity in the Emaltoni religion embodies an aspect of emotional being that creates sentience and self-awareness. Followers of these deities’ teachings call themselves Emalto.

The deities are lead by Bru, who is often depicted as the father of the Emaltoni; though there is no mention of who the mother of his children is. Some Emalto believe that there are multiple mortal mothers, while others believe their mother was a goddess who has been forgotten. Some Emalto who share faith and believe in multiple religions say Okara deity Frona is the mother; though this is not a popular opinion.

Deity // Emotion

Bru: Contentment
Vras: Joy
Quenten: Sadness
Koroko: Anger
Dio: Fear
Kyoy: Relief
Anajar: Remorse
Manya: Love
Taure: Confusion
Lurune: Modesty
Tyi: Forgiveness
Cort: Mercy
Zez: Patience
Verata: Stress
Lilan: Calm
Torae: Curiosity

While each deity represents a state of emotional being, they are not constantly bound by or trapped in that emotion. Instead they teach the importance of being allowed to feel what you need to feel in order to have awareness and control of your body and soul.

Importance of Self-Expression

The Emaltoni religion is based around emotional autonomy and the right to be who you feel you are. Emalto believe in expressing oneself in a safe but honest way and build their cultures around this ideal.

Emalto are taught to understand that many people who act out do so because of unfortunate circumstances, and rather than punishing them, Emalto are encouraged to aid those who need it. Most Emalto countries will use prison as a last resort and instead have rehabilitation programs in place to help those in need.

Another way they show their emotions is by stating the deities names to describe how they’re feeling. For example, if in love an Emalto may swear by Manya to never leave their partner, or if they are sad they may refer to Quenten as if he were a physical guest in their home.

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