
Ice Bear

Ice bears are large, white ursidae that are native to the Kazzaquin ice deserts and can survive as low as -50 degrees Celsuis. They’re popular pets on Aurn’la Ann and are often used as mounts or working animals.

Ice bears are carnivorous animals that survive on a diet almost completely consisting of meat. Their natural diet consists of a variety of seals, though when kept as pets they may also be fed a diet of beef, mutton, and poultry. Frozen berries are a common treat for ice bears though certain berries (such as strawberries) may cause indigestion in some individuals.

There are two variations of the ice bear, the original wild bears and the domestic breed. These animals have no visual differences, and the main indicators for their breed being in their behaviours. The wild standard is more aggressive than the tamed standard, and do not live in social groups. Domestic bears are more social and, if they happen to escape and become feral, will live in small groups of 3-5 bears.

It is common for international buyers of black-market ice bears to receive illegally poached wild cubs instead of professionally bred domestic animals. This has been described comparable to receiving a wolf pup instead of a regular dog, and most of these black market animals are severely neglected before eventually being put down. The export of ice bears to other countries has been severely limited for this reason.

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