Gliders are a word-of-mouth legend amongst the people who live in Das. Though people outside of Das argue their existence, most people raised in Das will believe in them; the majority of settlements will have at least one person who claims to have had a personal encounter with a glider. Usually, these sightings are from children and young teens who have gotten lost or injured in the jungles and claim that the gliders helped them home.
They are said to be a humanoid creature with furry bodies, tail, rabbit-like nose, and patagium membrane that runs from their wrists to their knees. Those who have seen them consistently say their fur is brown, grey-silver, or black and white, and also describe their clothing as brightly-dyed aprons.
Not much is known about them, as they always come and go without a trace, but they are considered protectors by the dassen people. Oftentimes, dassens will leave peace offerings to the gliders as a way to thank them for watching over them, and as an offer of friendship and welcome should they ever wish to make themselves better known.