Minotaurs are sapient, long-furred bulls that walk on two legs. They don’t speak any known Sentient language but are known to speak with orcs and goblins. They are also one of the only races known that soft fliers will approach without hesitation, due to their gentle natures.
They tend to live on their own underground, in the complicated cave systems that run through Demrefor. They rarely come into the upper world, but when they do they are very courteous to the inhabitants and leave the world as they found it; being careful even of ant hills and bird nests.
Minotaur often help the lost find their way out of the labyrinth-like caves, not asking for anything but conversation in return.
Though they are extremely gentle people, they have been known to become aggressive while protecting children (of any race), and will not hesitate to protect themselves from those they deem dangerous.