The zokex are a race that is considered both Sentient and Draconic. They earned their Sentient status through their alliances with the kurloke, ancestral history with dassens, and their ownership of the explored territories’ central kingdom I’reka.
Unlike most Sentients, zokex are able to touch and ingest soulstone. They have an immunity to soulstone’s life-sucking qualities and instead draw the energy from the stones into their own bodies, using the magic to sustain themselves. They have the ability to eat other foods but will grow sickly without soulstone in their diets.
They are believed to be the second Sentient race that walked Demrefor, the first being nurlak.
Physical Traits
Av. Height (to shoulder): 3’11”
Zokex are a quadrupedal race with six limbs. These limbs consist of four legs and a set of wings. They also have a long, prehensile tail. Their feet are paw-like, with short thumbs, soft padding on their underside, and retractable claws. They have limited flexibility in their fingers and relatively weak gripping abilities.
They can use their front-paws for some basics, such as holding pens or using tools; however, they much prefer to use their tails for interacting with the world. When their tails are not in use, they curl them into a tight spiral similar to a chameleon. It is believed that their tails are this way due to their history of living in the Das jungles.
Zokex wings are large and strong, with thick fleshy membranes held between 4 long fingers. The inner wing has this membrane exposed, while the outer wing is covered in a layer of protective scales. The average length of a zokex wing is the same length as their body from their nose to the base of their tail; making their total wingspan twice the length of their bodies.
Their bodies, like their wings, are covered in a layer of scales that are similar to those of snakes and lizards. These scales are not very thick, but are heat-resistant and completely immune to the effects of soulstone.
At a glance, a zokex’s eyes may appear similar to snake eyes. Their pupils are slit-shaped and can constrict so tightly they are nearly invisible. This gives them excellent vision in very bright lighting conditions, and they are able to look directly at the sun with no ill effects; though it has been described as a “terrifying, possessed look” by other Sentients. Their night vision, however, is extremely lacking.
They cannot move their eyes very far and must instead move their entire heads to see things. They see things best at the very tip of their snouts, above where their egg-horn is when they are born, and they only have a 70 degree field of vision.
Zokex are known for having large curved horns on their heads, growing out from behind their earholes. These horns are easily decorated and often the proudest part of a zokex’s body. Most other Sentients don’t know that zokex aren’t born with their horns; when a zokex is born they only have one horn, a tiny spike on their nose to help them break the egg which usually falls off after birth. The rest of their horns grow in slowly over time. Alongside the horns on their heads, all zokex also have a small horn on the end of their wing’s thumb.
Alongside these horns, zokex may also grow in a variety of facial horns, spines down their back, and spurs on various parts of their legs. It is very rare for zokex to grow spines or spurs along heir tails, though it is not unheard of.
Unlike other Sentient races, the colours of a zokex will change over their lifetime. Zokex colours are determined by their diets, with the majority of their body including scales, horns, teeth, and claws matching the main diet of soulstone they consume. A diet with multiple variations of soulstone usually results in patterns appearing on the scales, and not in a blending of colours. As these patterns are always the same for individuals they have been likened to birthmarks and there are discussions on whether these patterns are why dassens have their birthmarks.
Blue and pink are the most common colours for a zokex to be, as regular soulstone and blood-moss stained soulstone are the most readily available soulstone variations. However there are also zokex who choose to consume soulstone that is red, green, yellow, purple, or white. It is very rare to find an orange zokex, as the restricted nature of orange soulstone makes it hard for them to use it as their main diet.
Unlike their horns and scales, the colour of a zokex’s wing membranes and eyes are determined during gestation in the egg and will never change no matter their diets. Their wing membranes and eyes can be practically any colour, most of the time being very similar, if not identical, colours. Those who are born with different coloured eyes and wings are said to bring good fortune to their home.
Zokex have long snouts with sensitive noses and thick forked tongues. As their diet consists mainly of soulstone, the zokex have evolved mouths similar to animals who consume a durophagy-style diet, with strong jaws and all but their front two fangs having evolved into bony mouth plates used for grinding soulstone into a fine, digestible powder. This powder is absorbed into the body without creating waste.
Their two fangs have a very mild venom that they believe they evolved for self-defence. This venom is harmless when spat and causes a strong but ultimately harmless numbing sensation when injected through a bite. It is often used as an anesthetic. The only exception for this are seces, who are extremely allergic to the venom and go into anaphylactic shock if it touches their skin.

Sex and Gender
Both culturally and physically, Zokex do not have many differences. The biggest difference, sans reproductive organs, is the curvature of a zokex’s head horns.
The horns of a male zokex are naturally curved forward and is believed to have developed so that they could spar during disagreements. However, sparring has almost completely died out from their culture and only takes place in zokex from the outside territories.
Female zokex horns curve backwards and around. This is probably because they commonly nudge their children with their snouts, and it is a much safer shape.
It is common for zokex horns to grow to different lengths and curve at slightly different angles; though horns that grow straight without any type of curve indicates either a hormone imbalance or an intersex individual.
Racial Variations
There are no recognised zokex races. However, there are several different Draconic species believed to be related zokex that zokex consider their kin.
Their closest relatives are the hillia and weatwor dragons, with several strange-looking outside territory zokex claiming to be the mixed children of these other dragons.
Common Disabilities and Health Issues
The smallwing deformity is found in around 0.5% of the known zokex population. It is a growth deformity that stunts the growth of the wings (and sometimes the tail) and makes flying difficult and/or exhausting for those affected. Every 1 in 50 zokex with smallwings cannot fly at all.
Gastric Acid Imbalance
A very uncommon issue, some zokex are born with gastric acid imbalances that cause nausea and makes digestion extremely difficult. Instead of absorbing the stones completely they are only able to draw the energy from the stones, and then regurgitate them as diamond-powder pellets. This can be a rather uncomfortable experience for zokex.
However, since the creation of liquid soulstone zokex with gastric acid imbalances have had a much easier time; the liquid puts a lot less strain on their digestive tract and is often able to be absorbed better.
Relationships and Life Stages
Zokex have lifetime polycules of anywhere between 2-6 permanent spouses. It is extremely rare for a zokex and their partners to split up and it takes very severe circumstances for zokex to give up on a relationship that has passed its initial courtship stages.
When zokex are looking for partners they will dye their horns colour very different from their natural colourations. For example, a yellow-coloured zokex may dye their horns black, and a purple zokex may dye their horns green. Once they are satisfied with the partner(s) they have found, they will stop dying their horns. This dye will start to fade in a matter of weeks and, after about 6 months, will completely return to its natural colour.
These 6 months are considered the “courtship months” of a new relationship, in which all zokex in the new relationship will get to know each other, figure out if they are compatible, and form their deeper bonds. If they find they are not compatible within these 6 months, they will re-dye their horns and continue looking for new partners. After these 6 months, they tend to be more hesitant to end their relationship and will push for compromise.
Most zokex relationships are closed, with all members in a single polycule dating every other member. There are some exceptions to this but it is considered unusual and most try to avoid it.
Life Stages
Zokex are egg-layers whose entire gestation period takes place outside the mother’s body. If conception is successful zokex will lay 4-7 eggs a week after conceiving, which they will then hide in a nest carved from soulstone. Eggs are traditionally covered in a light layer of soulstone and left in a room separate from their parents’, though some more anxious parents may instead carve their nurseries into the sides of their own nests. But as this can risk the crushing of the eggs if the parents are not careful it is considered a taboo practice.
The soulstone in their nests gives the eggs energy while they grow, meaning the zokex are able to develop and hatch quickly and without any warmth or assistance from their parents.
These eggs gestate for just 3 weeks before hatching.
When zokex first hatch they will eat their way out of their nest while honking loudly to alert their parents to their birth. This honking is the only sound they are able to make until they are older. It has often been likened to a geese and ducks.
All zokex are born with thin, semi-transparent skin and scales that make a newly-born zokex’s organs visible to the outside world. Though many parents use this as an opportunity to sex their children and do an initial check of their infant’s health, during this stage in their life zokex hatchlings are very fragile and must be attended to constantly. Their skin thickens up and gains its pigment as they grow older, and by 5 weeks old they should be fully pigmented, though their skin still remains somewhat thin.
To aid with hatching zokex are born with a horn on the end of their nose. This horn should fall off within their first 6 months, though some zokex grow it back in adulthood.
Their tails will be extremely stubby and short when they are born, though it grows with them quickly.
A zokex’s development is quick and steady. By their first eclipse they are able to begin talking instead of honking and their horns will be visible as colourful little lumps on their heads. By their second they will start school and their horns will be between 3-6cm long. By their fourth eclipse they will have almost finished developing all of their finer motor skills and will have full control of their prehensile tails.
Their first major growth period begins around 6 eclipses and will last until they are 8. It is during this time that they learn to fly, and often start to take an interest in specialist skills such as sports or art. Their personalities develop strongly during these few years and they have a surge of curiosity and energy; often, this growth period is referred to as the “screaming years,” as most zokex children become very loud and emotional during this time.
The end of this growth period is indicated by the curling of the child’s horns. The horns on the top of their head will either turn up or downwards (depending on their sex) as their development starts to slow down to prepare them for puberty, which usually starts around 13 eclipses.
Around 18 eclipses they are able to reproduce safely, though they are not considered legal adults until 20 and having children before then is strongly discouraged.
Lifespan Facts
• The average lifespan of a zokex is 200 eclipses.
• There is a rare condition in zokex known as “egging”, where zokex will lay eggs even without intercourse (though they are unfertilised). This will happen every 6 months, on average.
• The oldest zokex died at 363 years old, peacefully, in their sleep.
• Zokex are able to conceive another clutch immediately after laying their eggs, but most choose not to.
• Zokex are fertile until they are about 150 years old. This, combined with their quick reproductive rate, means that zokex are capable of having thousands of children in their lifetimes.
• Less than 0.5% of undamaged zokex eggs never hatch. However, due to the fragile nature of their eggs, about 30% of eggs laid are damaged during the birthing process and never hatch.
• The mortality rate of zokex under one eclipse old is extremely high, with up to 50% of zokex infants being lost before their first eclipse. Because of this parents try to stay emotionally distant from their infants, while also being extremely watchful and physically present.
• Once zokex reach their second eclipse the child mortality rate drops to 0.81%. This is usually when parents will allow themselves to become attached to their children.
• The oldest known non-pure zokex was Justice the Old. He was combined with a valenor using illegal animal merging magic. He was created in 4,562 AE and died in 8,532 AE. His death was accidental and it is not clear how long he could have lived.
There are two major zokex countries. Both have different histories and laws, but a lot of their general culture is the same. There are also the outer territory zokex who sometimes come into the known territories from far-off lands. These zokex tend to be more emotionally reserved towards other Sentients, but are able to integrate into other zokex cultures without too many issues.
Two Kingdoms
The zokex only have two officially recognised kingdoms in the explored territories; the I’reka desert on Carra’Jor, recognised as the central trading hub of the world, and the Torat wasteland on Keos Leesa. The zokex in Torat are considered the owners of the Keos Leesa continent, while those in I’reka share the desert with many other peoples.
Zokex used to be recognised owners of much of Das, with their territory stretching across the ocean from Keos Leesa to Carra’Jor, but during the forming of the International Alliance they willingly surrendered ownership of that land to the dassen people.
All other zokex territories are in the uncharted territories and the zokex who live there have no interest in allowing Sentients to map their homes; instead refusing to interact and behaving similarly to Mystic races or outer-territory valenor.
Though the two major territories owned by zokex are a desert and a wasteland, they are able to live comfortably; their diet of soulstone means that they need minimal agriculture and can live anywhere with access to the complex underground caverns underneath Demrefor’s surface.
Both countries are ruled by zokex royal families who are known to be related and who remain in frequent contact. Because of this it is unsurprising that both countries have extremely similar laws; including laws that protect many other Draconic species as if they were Sentients.
Zokex homes in the explored territories are generally built underground. However, according to zokex who have travelled into the outer territories; this is not the norm and most zokex populations live in thick jungles on mountain ranges.
The Three Offers
Zokex are very proud of being self-sufficient individuals. After being such fragile children requiring so much attention, being looked after has come to be seen as a childish act. Because of this, most zokex prefer to gather their own resources, make their own wares, and live without reliance on anyone but their own partners and families.
The act of receiving charity, even when it is necessary, is considered one of the most embarrassing possible situations for a zokex to find themselves in. However, being a social race, zokex still have the urge to protect and help one another. Because of this zokex culture has slowly evolved a custom known as “the three offers,” of which’s purpose is to alleviate the embarrassment of having to accept another person’s help.
It goes as follows:
An offer of aid should be made. This offer should be an over-the top, ridiculous amount of help. Much more than is needed, to make what is actually needed seem like a smaller amount. The first offer should always be refused.
A second offer should then be made. This offer should reflect the realistic amount of help that needs to be provided. It should be framed as something small, simple, and almost thoughtless to give. This offer should also be refused, though with an appropriate amount of hesitation; often citing that the person offering help may find they need what they are offering for themselves at a later date.
A third offer should then be made. This offer should be framed as helpful to the person offering the help. Excuses such as they were going to throw away the item needed and this is less wasteful, or that they enjoy doing the labour that is needed. Sometimes the third offer is given with the promise of a favour owed in return, and sometimes it is claimed to be a repayment of one of these previous favours. If the help is genuinely needed, this is usually when it is accepted.
If the third offer is refused, the issue is expected to be dropped. It is considered an act of humiliation to offer a zokex aid four times in a row, especially when in the company of others.
The zokex spoken language is very bestial. It is made up of growl-like syllables and barks, and is considered a very simple language. It is sometimes likened to is the kayka and kurloke languages; though the zokex language is a lot less complex than these two languages. Their simply spoken language is combined with bodily cues, and so much of their communication is subjective and hard to translate due to it expressing more feelings than solid phrases and words
Similar to most other sapient Draconic races, the zokex’s native language is something that they are born with an instinctual understanding of. There is very little need for education on the language within zokex communities as the sounds and meanings come naturally to the people. Much of the zokex language also intersects with other sapient Draconics and they are mostly able to communicate with other dragons without the need to learn a second language.
Unlike the majority of other sapient Draconics, the zokex have the ability to learn and speak other Sentient languages. Usually, this language is International.
Though they are able to learn how to read and write, it does not come naturally to a zokex and it takes a great effort to maintain the ability. Because of this, there is no written zokex language.
Zokex laughter is very similar to a cat’s purr. It often sounds out of place with International speakers, but fits perfectly with their natural language.
Naming Conventions
Zokex have no last or middle names. Instead, they have a single word as their names; usually this word is in their native tongue, but many have International translations that they prefer used when they are in the explored territories.
They are named during their honking stage, often with a name that their parents hope will describe their future. Words with positive connotations such as as Charming, Explorer, and Laugh are very common zokex names.
Though it is not common, some zokex will change their names to something more fitting when they reach adulthood.
Common Religions
Eight Star
Zokex adore their jewellery, and will only wear jewellery made of the finest metals and gems they can get their paws on. Jewellery is one of the only things a zokex is not compelled to make themselves; instead, they will always have a professional create their jewellery for them, as the idea of wearing sub-par jewellery is offensive to the dragons.
What’s considered “jewellery” is a rather broad term for zokex. Their concept of jewellery varies from tiny chains and earrings, to large chest-plates and decorative armour.
Other than their jewellery, zokex do not wear clothes.
Oftentimes, young zokex will get hungry and pull the soulstone out of their jewellery to eat. This gets them in a lot of trouble with their parents.
Dassen Descendants
It is common knowledge that zokex are the ancestors to the dassen people; there is evidence in many of the ancient Das temples that prove this as fact. Old scrolls and temple drawings depict a zokex cult that was in close proximity to a nurlak city.
Some scrolls say they feared the nurlak, while others say they admired them. All scrolls tell the same story, however: the cult was lead by a zokex known as Adoration, who stole and murdered a nurlak child in order to create a form-changing potion.
This potion was supposed to turn Adoration and her followers into nurlak, but due to intervention from the gods, the transformation failed and the cult members were left in half-forms as punishment for their crimes.
Not quite zokex, not quite nurlak; the descendants of this cult grew into the modern dassen race.
Victims of the Black Market
Because of their draconic appearance and separation from other Sentient races, many zokex are victims of illegal black market traders.
Their horns are a popular item as they are believed to have life-preserving properties that will keep people young. Because of this, many zokex are kidnapped and mutilated, or just outright murdered, for their horns.
Another popular item is their eggs; which are stolen from their nests and eaten as an illegal delicacy. The Eala races are especially guilty of this; though there is no Eala country where it is not considered a form of cannibalism and those who have been charged with the crime are punished severely. It is also common for lonely dassens without settlements to steal zokex eggs and raise the hatchlings as their own. This is very hard to prevent as most dassens will claim that the nests they found the eggs in were abandoned and, due to the high rate of zokex orphans in Das, it is near impossible to know when eggs have been stolen or genuinely saved.
Young zokex may also be kidnapped during their honking stage and sold as pets. Most who buy young zokex never attempt to teach them to speak and are shocked when the zokex are able to pick up words and communicate. This often leads to their “pets” being killed or beaten into silence, to stop their illegal nature being discovered.
A famous example of a kidnapped hatchling is Ritual, who was born in 12,345 AE after her parents were murdered and her siblings crushed as her nest was raided. The only survivor of the nest, she was kept in un-ideal conditions and hatched with sickly white eyes and wing membranes. She was sold to a felinic man in Roi’Lah who paid extravagant amounts of gold to feed her nothing but luckcharm so that her body matched her wings and she became a pure white dragon. She was kept in his treasury as a “guard” and was forced to kill anyone who entered in an attempt to steal his riches. This went on until her 46th eclipse, when the felinic who had purchased her died and she was found and rescued. After her rescue, she gorged herself on dreamcurse made from her own nightmares before disappearing into the unexplored territories.
History with the Kurloke
Zokex are believed to have originally lived on the Das continent, alongside the kurloke. It is believed they coexisted peacefully until the shattering of the continent. Because of this connection zokex see kurloke as a cousin-race, with many zokex referring to them as “honorary dragons” who are welcome in their communities without question. Many orphaned zokex are adopted by kurloke and raised alongside the crocodilian people.
This bond is only reinforced by the kurloke naturally being able to understand the basics of the zokex language, and the zokex naturally being able to understand some of the kurloke’s language as they share many vocal tones.
Zokex have a very high heat tolerance, they are able to touch fire without burning themselves.
While travelling through colder climates, many zokex children will crawl into tavern fireplaces; much to the shock of the owners and amusement of their parents.
Because newly hatched zokex sound like waterfowl, animals such as geese, ducks, and swans are popular pets among the dragons.
There are no known cases of heterochromia in zokex.
They bury their dead in large tombs. During the triple full moon every ten years, they set these tombs on fire and burn them to the ground; then they scatter the ashes in the wind and rebuild the tombs for new dead.