

After a multi-year hiatus due to covid and a long-undiagnosed illness that’s finally being treated, I’m revising the site and everything that’s currently written on it before moving to new content! Some pages may be hidden or broken, please be patient while I handle this.

Pages that still need to be rewritten are listed below:

High Priority

-The Darkness of Demrefor
-The Eala Origin
-The Rendi Origin

Low Priority

-General Healing
-Enhancive Healing
-Blood Magic

I also need to overhaul the planet’s information page and its sub-pages. I’m not happy with it :(

I’m trying out a public to-do list for Demrefor’s website and world-building!

The lists are in no real order, and will be worked on probably at random because I’m easily distracted, haha!

Page Contents

-Maps – Continent Descriptions / Country descriptions
-Sentient races page contents
-Draconic species
-Cultural Stories – Finish the current drafted stories
-Sentient Race Origin Stories
-Magic – Practically everything is still incomplete
- Religions – Mo’ay’a / Year Signs / False Har’py / Night Magic Necromancers
-Games – Caves and Creatures


-Sentients – Page art to break up those huge walls of text
-Replace all placeholder images
-Religions – Har’py (WALLS of text, yikes)
-Religions – Animon (add some pretty stuff to break it up)
-Cultural Stories – paragraph breaks and cover art
-Magic page
-Undead – All art needs to be done (dig out old concept sketches for reference)
-New Website Icon
-Custom headers for different pages

Backburner List (stuff that’ll be started when all of the above is done)

Mystics – Sort out the extra werepeople stuff. MAYBE post it.
-Sentients – Mixed – Extra info & more notable mixes
-Organisations – Add other organisations
-Add links to pages when things are mentioned (EG, when the alliance is mentioned on the wolven page, highlight and add a link)

website template ©repth